Truth and Trueing Architypes in Action, MusingsKatharina ReedMay 26, 2021Truth, Truing, Alignment, Congruence, HarmonyComment
Waiting Is Not Creating Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedMay 12, 2021heart centred practices, archetypal language, shining the light, survival consciousness, conscious use of language, trying or choosing, saboteur, sabotage, raising your energyComment
I am trying Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedApril 14, 2021heart centred practices, archetypal language, shining the light, survival consciousness, conscious use of language, trying or choosing, saboteur, sabotage, raising your energyComment
The Perfection in the Imperfection Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedMarch 24, 2021Perfection, Perfection in the imperfection, Seeing clearlyComment
Should or Should Not Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedMarch 10, 2021heart centred practices, archetypal language, shining the light, survival consciousness, conscious use of language, should or should notComment
Transcending the Patriarchal Success Path Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedFebruary 24, 2021Transcending Patriarchal Story, Patriarchal Success Path, Unsticking from Story, Empowerment, Taking you power back, Taking your power back Comments
Releasing the Need For Control Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedFebruary 10, 2021heart centred practices, archetypal language, I am sorry, shining the light, survival consciousness, conscious use of languageComment
Connection Versus Separation Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedJanuary 27, 2021Transcending Patriarchal Story, Taking Power Back, Inclusivity, Wholeness, Expanding Consciousness, Connection versus Separation, ConnectionComment
Conscious Use of "I am sorry" Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedJanuary 13, 2021heart centred practices, archetypal language, I am sorry, shining the light, survival consciousness, conscious use of languageComment
Healing Relationships Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedDecember 9, 2020Masculine Archetype, Feminine Archetype, Balance, Wholeness, Unsticking from Story, RelationshipComment
Freeing Self from Fear and Overwhelm Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedNovember 25, 2020Archetypes, Archetypal Awareness, Power of Choice, Transformation, Archetypal Patterns, unsticking from story, fully engagedComment
Stepping Out of Your Story and Into Creation Part Two Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedAugust 12, 2020Empowerment, Survival Consciuosness, Story, Healing, Soul Alignement, Conscious Awareness
Navigating the inner world -- how can a guide help? Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedJune 10, 2020Comment
Patriarchal Marriage vs Conscious Relationship Architypes in ActionKatharina ReedApril 15, 2020Comment