Stepping Out of Your Story and Into Creation Part Two
The unsticking process is a guided journey designed for you to have a breakthrough with the completion of each step.
Your Birthing Your True Self process creates a structure that supports you in liberating yourself from your story/stories. Within this structure there is flexibility that allows you to be in your own process. This is your journey. It is designed to support you to empower yourself through making choices rooted in your truth. I guide you; however, I do not heal you. I support you to unstick from your story and heal yourself. That is empowerment!
The first step in your liberating yourself is to identify the story and the patterns associated with it that are keeping you stuck.
The sixth step is embodying a new story that aligns with your truth—a story that supports you to engage with life from a higher state of consciousness—from your power. Knowing your truth and living it, is your power. That is freedom! Your success path is designed to bridge the gap between the first and sixth step. After completing the sixth step you have a personalized map that is akin to a living organism evolving as you evolve. It has the potential to serve you for life.
If you desire to Liberate yourself from your story then action is required.
Taking the first step is up to you. No one can take the step for you. No one can unstick you from your story. Only you can take this step. This truth can feel overwhelming and scary, and feelings of vulnerability may rise. However, you do not have to navigate the journey on your own. That is the point of the success path. Together we create your unique success path, then I guide you through the process. If you would like to read more about how I view guidance in particular, you may want to check out the series of three blogs I posted explaining what guidance is, how it may serve you and how to choose a guide that is right for you. You can find them here.
The first step is the most challenging to take as it requires both courage to step into the unknown and commitment to the process. This is where the pattern of self-sabotage usually shows up. Self-doubt raises thoughts like:
1. How do I know this is right for me?
2. This may work for others but will it work for me?
3. I will do this when I have the time or the money. This isn’t a good time.
4. I would know if story had power over me, wouldn’t I?
5. A guide might be helpful but I should be able to figure it out myself, right?
6. I already make conscious choices in my life, or do I?
7. I want to do this but the cost is too high. Or is the cost of remaining stuck in my story higher? How do I know?
8. Is my story impacting my life enough to do this? It is a big commitment.
If you find yourself asking these or similar questions then you know that something is stirring within you. In my experience, I have come to know this truth—self-doubt is actually resistance to change. There were times in my life that I knew without a doubt something was right for me. In the same way, I knew when something wasn’t right for me and I did not experience regret for having made those choices. Over time I learned that when I experienced self-doubt it was a call to align with my truth. Before I learned this truth, I experienced disappointment and regret. I remained stuck in my story and the longer I remained stuck, the more intense the fear and the emotional pain became.
Life was giving me opportunities to liberate myself but I had to overcome my own self-doubt and choose to take the first step to plug into a life of endless possibilities and opportunities.
That was the most challenging part of the journey. I actually had to value myself enough to choose to heal my stories. I had to value myself enough to invest in my life. I had to see my life as a masterpiece that I was creating. I learned that I have the power to be an active participant in my life and to create my masterpiece from my truth. The alternative is to remain stuck in survival energy patterns—my stories of who I think I am and that I create from fiction. Either way, the masterpiece of my life is being created. Having experienced both, I much prefer creating my masterpiece from truth versus fiction. My stories were creating a life of serving story—a masterpiece of disempowerment, suffering and limitation. Now with conscious awareness I am creating a life of serving truth—a masterpiece of empowerment, freedom and joy.
When you invest in yourself and choose to liberate yourself from your story/stories you are breaking the patterns that cause the pain and suffering.
You can then create a story that supports living in alignment with your truth. At present our world is in chaos. Globally, the wounds from the patriarchal stories that were created out of separation are coming into the light and calling to be healed. At the same time, you are—we all are—being called to heal our own intergenerational stories that were created out of separation. What happens in the macro happens in the micro. As women, we have all been influenced by the stories that have come to define us as how the patriarch sees women. They are not true. We are not these stories. When we choose to heal our stories, we lead by example and in healing our stories we give permission for other women to do the same. The greatest legacy we can leave is our masterpiece, and it will continue to serve future generations long after we are here.
Nothing brings me greater joy than witnessing women unstick from their story/stories, being present to them when they see, for the first time, all the possibilities of what their life can be when aligned with the truth of who they are—their power. Serving empowerment is my masterpiece.