Navigating the inner world -- how can a guide help?

Guidance can come in many forms

A Mystical Journey

A Mystical Journey

In the outer world, you can find guidance in a book.  A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino Santiago, is one example, where you have maps to outline a day-to-day pilgrimage. Other guidebooks come in the form of instructions — like those for assembling IKEA furniture — that provide step-by-step guidance. The guidance of the inner world does not come with a map or step-by-step instructions. The inner world is not a concrete world. However, just as you experience your own reality in the outer world, your experience of the inner world will be unique to you. 

In the inner world, you need to quiet the egoic mind to become conscious and aware of the guidance available to you there. For example, if you are consumed by a story of not being enough or not having enough you most likely won’t hear the guidance because your attention is focused on your story. Where your attention goes is where the energy flows. As you unstick from your stories you naturally become more aware, more conscious. The more you liberate yourself from your story, the louder the whispers of guidance become. Now with your attention off your story and focused on the guidance, you are tuned into a higher vibrational energy than your story. The more you practice tuning in and listening to the guidance and then acting on it, the more you deepen your trust in being guided and in yourself to listen and act. Your inner guidance system is one of the primary tools needed to traverse the unknown. How you engage with the unknown inner world determines how you engage with the unknown in the outer world. At present, the world that we thought we knew has turned into an unknown landscape. The people who I witness navigating this unknown without being impacted by stress are tuned into their inner guidance system. They know how to traverse the unknown while trusting they can be with what is and move with the energy. They have no need to control; they are well aware that they are co-creators. They see the possibilities where most see the limitations. The liberation process is integral to becoming conscious, tuning into your inner guidance, and becoming a co-creator, all of which allow you to move from the perspective of life happening to you to the perspective where you happen to life.

This process of guiding women to liberate themselves from their stories is my expertise. The journey through the inner world may not come with a map, but my experience and expertise as a guide allows me to work with you to create one – one that is unique for you, using The Birth Your True Self process as a guide.

I use this map to guide women to become aware of their intergenerational stories and to heal, to liberate themselves and live a life aligned with wholeness. Each step of the process is experienced differently for each woman I work with.

My role as a guide has many facets: 

1.     I create a safe environment by meeting you exactly where you are on your journey without judgement.

2.     I listen with my gut, my heart, my ears and my sixth energy center. I tune into your stories and the archetypal patterns expressing through them. Deep listening supports me to pick up subtle expressions of these patterns that can go unnoticed by the untrained listener.

3.     I help you identify, acknowledge and embrace your fears. This is essential to becoming conscious. One of my very wise guides reframed fear for me as it being a messenger. That reframing of fear changed my life. When fear is acknowledged, it reveals the message.

4.     I keep it simple and help you to move beyond overwhelm and expectation.

5.     I match your level of commitment. You have to love yourself enough to do this. What you receive will equal what you give yourself. Giving to yourself comes in the form of time to practice, compassion, trust, and understanding. This is a co-creative relationship that allows us to both be our best in each session.

6.     I know the questions required to open the door to your healing. My guides’ questions were so profound that I couldn’t answer them. I needed to sit in silence and let the answers rise from the depths where the truths were buried beneath my story. My mastery of asking the needed questions is due to the guidance I received and my own deep practice.

7.     I introduce you to the realm of creation consciousness to help you envision a new way to engage with life and open the door to the realm of possibility.  One of my guides encouraged me to be like Alice in Wonderland and imagine six impossible things before breakfast. This opens the mind to endless possibilities. Nothing brings me more joy than witnessing a woman see possibilities she never knew existed and then live them out.

8.     I celebrate your liberation from story, your freedom and your empowerment!

My experience with my guides has been that our formal sessions end but their guidance lives on.

They continue to shine their light on my path. I hear their voices, I feel the touch of their hands, they show up in my dreams and I hear them laughing with me. They are masters meeting me in both worlds simultaneously. So, when I have women telling me they hear my voice and I show up in their dreams, I believe them. It is one of the many mysteries of life that I know longer question. It just is!

 The third blog in this series will outline the benefits of having a guide and how to choose a guide that is right for you.