Birth Your True Self Workshop
Liberate yourself from the ‘not enough’ story, open your heart, connect with your soul truth and
create a life attuned to being your true self.
A Two Part Workshop
this workshop has been created as a companion for my ebook, Birth Your True Self: weaving a story web of love and joy. my intention for writing the ebook and creating the companion workshop is to give women a map that will support them to connect with their true selves more deeply.
This workshop is for you if you:
are feeling stuck in the patriarchal story web of ‘not enough’
are seeking to deepen your connection with self and others
are seeking to know your true self
love yourself enough to liberate yourself from the unconscious reel
aspire to be the conscious creator of your life
are committed to live your truth
This workshop is designed:
to inspire you to step into your true power
to liberate yourself from the story of who you think you are
for you to become aware of the unconscious archetypal patterns, beliefs and emotions
for you to practice and gain confidence in using the Birth Your True Self process as a map
for you to practice attuning to higher frequencies
for you to align with your true self
to guide you to create a life aligned with that truth
The power of the map
The map is a six-step process that guides women to become aware of how the story of not enough, the patterns, thoughts and emotions that it generates impact their everyday lives. Under that deeply engrained story is a wound that is calling to be healed. Until that wound is healed, we live the story that keeps the old paradigm energized.
In my experience the deeper we connect with ourselves the more we can connect with our children, partners, extended family, friends, colleagues, clients/patients etc. and support them to deepen their connection with themselves.
The more we grow down to the root of our true selves, the deeper we connect with those we love and serve, the deeper they connect with us. The spinoff is we raise each other’s frequency weaving a story web of love and joy around the world.
Become Aware of Your Unconscious Reel and How it Impacts Your Life
In part one you will:
gain a greater awareness of the unconscious ‘not enough’ story
deepen your understanding of how its archetypal patterns play out in your life
identify the beliefs, thoughts and emotions keeping you stuck in the web of story
leave with tools to allow space for the ‘not enough’ story to continue to reveal itself
attune to your true self
In part two you will:
deepen your connection with your true self
practice embodying being your true self
practice visioning expressing your true self
practice accepting and releasing attachment to your old story
practice allowing the integration of the old and new ways of being
leave with tools to support you to create a new story web and to live attuned to your true self
Are you ready to liberate yourself from the story that no longer serves you?
Are you ready to create and live a heart centered life aligned with your soul truth?
Are you ready to allow your truth to express through you?
Do you love yourself enough to invest in yourself?