Channel Your Soul Wisdom

connect with your heart ~ align with your soul ~ channel its wisdom

Connecting with your heart awakens your soul. The more you open your heart the deeper you connect with your soul, your true self.

This writing circle is for you if you desire to:

  • deepen your heart connection

  • access your soul wisdom

  • attune to and live in alignment with your soul truth

  • connect with other women who are on the journey of birthing their true selves

Channel Writing Process

The heart is the portal to the soul realm. I begin the circle with a heart meditation. Why? Whatever you focus your attention on, you give life to. In other words, you give it energy. The heart meditation that I guide you through supports you to focus your full attention on your heart with the intention of raising your frequency allowing you to attune to your soul. I then offer powerful writing prompts to support you to channel your soul’s wisdom. When the channel writing part of the process is complete, there is an opportunity to share the wisdom revealed with the circle if you so choose.

Each circle is designed for you to deepen your connection with your soul. Channel Writing is an experiential process. You develop a relationship with your soul by experiencing it.

My intention is that the channel writing process will serve you beyond the writing circles, to know and live your soul truth.

A Participant’s Refection

I have found Katharina's guided channel writing a particularly enlightening experience as she is gifted in facilitating soul level communication. Channel writing with her therefore becomes a conversation with your soul instead of a purely intellectual exploration. She always creates an open, loving and safe space in which to connect and learn from our higher selves and each other. Her writing prompts guide me to consider things in a deeper way than I may have otherwise, leading to new insights.  Sometimes the insights come immediately through the writing, sometimes they come through hearing others in the group sharing their soul’s wisdom and feeling a resonance. Other times, the insights elicited from the channel writing come days or weeks later. The experience is always meaningful and beneficial—as is any time shared heart to heart with Katharina. Allyson O’Shea 

  • a series of six circles

  • weekly writing prompts between circles

  • maximum of fifteen women per circle

  • no writing experience required but a joy of writing is an asset

  • these 90 minute circles are offered virtually