Liberation from Story


Journal Entry 2017

Liberation awaits you…

Liberation awaits you…

September 2017 I attended a writing retreat in France. It was an intense week of being immersed in story exploring archetypal patterns that lie buried deep within them. Most individuals are not aware of how those unconscious archetypal patterns are in the drivers seat of their life. Story has always been a part of my life. My father was an incredible story teller and I was exposed to the Ojibway culture that is rich with story. 
It wasn't until the early 1990's that I realized that stories are not just, told, heard and read. We live out story everyday of our lives. We have been told stories about who we are since we were in our mother's belly. If I have a girl, she is going to be like this—she is going to be—she is going to act like—she is going to wear—she is not going to—she is so smart—when she grows up she is going to be. Then she goes to daycare and then to school and the story of who she is gets bigger and bigger and soon she is living a story that is not at all in alignment with who she actually is or her soul journey. Instead she is living a story that has been shaped by her outer world. 
My work with the archetypes has allowed me to identify the stories that lie deep within me that are not in alignment with my soul journey. One of the Universal stories that we live by is the story of "not enough". That story is so deeply engrained that it is like an archeological dig to find all the threads that have woven that story. I was so excited yesterday to find another thread of that story living out through me. I was learning a new program to better support my business and was getting frustrated because I felt I didn't know enough to figure it all out. I am not a tech savvy person, so I believed. On the live chat with the support, I discovered I was doing everything perfectly. The challenge I was having was not my issue. My story was shattered. I knew much more than I gave myself credit for. With the story shattered the fear gone, I went on to embrace something much more complex and had success with that as well. Releasing our attachment to these stories we believe to be true is liberating! We are more powerful than we believe we are!

Check out the ‘How I Serve’ tab at the top of the page to explore the possiblities for you to liberate yourself from story.