Victim Consciousness to Creation Consciousness
More and more people are in the waking-up process as they are realizing that the life they have created and are living is not serving them. They are exhausted, their body is expressing imbalance from the stress of living in victim (survival) consciousness and they want to create a different way of engaging with life but don’t know how. The world situation in 2020 and 2021 has played an instrumental part in bringing this conundrum into awareness.
The truth is that you have the power to change your life, however, there is a caveat in living at that level of consciousness.
In order to create a new life, you need to understand the story you are presently living in and why you are stuck in it. Neuroscience has discovered that by the time you are 35 years old, 95 percent of what you create is unconscious. Your decisions are made from unconscious intergenerational stories and those stories are rooted in victim consciousness.
Characteristics of victim consciousness:
· separation
· imbalance
· limited possibilities
· contraction
· dis-ease
· power over
· ego esteem
· uncomfortable in the unknown
· I/individual
· ego/shadow
When you look at some of the main characteristics of victim consciousness you will better understand your exhaustion. It requires a lot of energy to live within these parameters. Life is about survival at this level of consciousness, and the challenge of having enough and proving that you are enough is constant. You may even feel that life is happening to you — that you are a victim of life and powerless change it. You may feel shame, guilt, unworthiness, fear or self-doubt. The emotions that are generated by this level of consciousness deplete energy from your body and your energy field around your body. It is akin to withdrawing money from your bank account but not depositing money into it to keep it in balance.
At this level of consciousness, you are concerned about the identity you project into the outer world. You want to be seen as being enough. You want to belong. You have a story, often an intergenerational story that has become your identity. You think you are the story that you have been told about you.
If you truly desire to liberate yourself from your past and your stories of who you think you are, to create a new future, then you need to have an idea of the life you want to create and the person you desire to be in that life. How do you want to feel when you wake up every morning?
Characteristics of Creation Consciousness:
· connection
· order
· unlimited possibilities
· expansion
· health
· power with
· Soul esteem
· comfortable in the unknown
· we/collective
· Soul/Light
Living from creation consciousness brings you into alignment with your true self, with your soul truth — your soul power. The stories of your past no longer hold power over you and living at this level of consciousness expands your energy. You feel alive, an active participant in life and life is happening for you and supports you to be your potential. You see unlimited potential and endless possibilities. You will most likely experience joy, love, gratitude, freedom or awe. The emotions that are generated by this level of consciousness expand your energy and inspire you to keep expanding and growing. Life is no longer about survival as you are fully engaged with life. You are co-creating and magic abounds.
Closing the Gap
There is a gap between ego identity and your soul identity. One way to close this gap is liberating yourself from your intergenerational stories that have become your identity and that are keeping you stuck. In the Birthing Your True Self process, you learn how to identify your stories and the emotions attached to them and then I guide you through a process that enables you to unstick from these stories and their related emotions. I guide you through a powerful envisioning process that supports you to envision the life you aspire to live. As we continue the process, I guide you through an acceptance and integration process that is designed to help you to open your heart, align with your soul power and inspire you to create your new life. You have the power to change your life. It starts with you.