A New Perspective
In the summer of 2019, I had the opportunity to go up a mountain and see the wild flowers at there best. Mother Nature had provided the perfect conditions to support them in their blooming process. This picture captures a small part of the prolific bloom. The mountain side was literally a carpet of flowers and to my surprise they were in abundance on the summit as well.
Since releasing many of my stories that supported my “not enough” belief system , I am in awe of the abundance that is expressing in ways I was previously blind to. I am learning that when I am stuck in a story I can only see what supports the belief beneath that story.
Years ago when I was a student of Pam England, I was asked to form a question that would support me to be with any situation that created stress. My question was:
How can I bring LOVE to this moment?
That question served me well and still does, however there is a different question rising in me now.
How can I SEE this differently?
OMG! This question has invited me into a new way of seeing and quickly snaps me out of story and making life about me. It is a whole new world!
I invite you to listen for a deepest question that will raise your level of self awareness. It is a question that cannot be answered with a yes or a no and it has a different answer each time it is asked.
Powerful questions will invite you into your power.