Experiencing Enchantment

What bubbles up in you when you ponder the word “ Enchanted”?

Flowing with heart!

Flowing with heart!

When victim consciousness was in the drivers seat of my life I couldn’t even hold the word in my mind.

It did not resonate with me at all. When I could hold it in my mind, my thoughts were… “ maybe others can experience enchantment but I can’t” . . . “I don't know how, I don't even know what an enchanted life looks like” . . . 

There are no words to express the gratitude I feel for having the courage to stay in the process and shatter that story.

Liberation is the freedom to create an enchanted life and then to see how simple it is to engage from that vibration.

In conversation with a family member yesterday who is still deeply entrenched in victim consciousness, our childhood memories came up. I could only see the enchantment in the experiences and shared it with joy bubbling up from within. I giggled with glee at what I was seeing as I walked down memory lane. I was seeing the story of my childhood through the eyes of the creator. The victim was not telling the story. The creator was in the drivers seat. Then a beautiful thing happened. By being in congruence with joy and creation energy, I was shining the light on my family member’s story. In the past I would have gone into victim consciousness to meet her in her low vibrational energy. The conversation ended with her vibrating at a higher level of energy. I had not prostituted myself by lowering my energy, instead she rose to meet me as I held the space for her to do so. I spent the rest of the day with with a huge joyous smile on my face. When I experience staying in my power, my truth, with family, it is a celebration!