Not Being Enough
One of the most common survival patterns is the belief of “not being enough”.
We then create stories to cover that pattern up because there is shame and guilt attached to it. We are brilliant story creators and story tellers. The stories are often so masterfully crafted and so easy to believe, that one is not even aware of the unconscious belief of "not being enough" is in the drivers seat of their life.
Can this pattern be transmuted? Yes, definitely! How do I know? I have done it and have witnessed countless others doing it. The place to start is gaining awareness of the cover stories. Challenge yourself to be aware when you are feeling, thinking or saying, “I am not enough”. What is the story you are telling yourself? Why are you not enough? The ego is very guileful. It often tells you things that are not congruent with what lies in your unconscious. If one truly knows they are enough they never have to prove it or even say it. They just live it.
Once you start recognizing the cover stories and what they are covering up, your healing and the transmutation of this pattern has begun, you outgrow the pattern and the stories just like the cicada in this picture out grew its casing.