It starts with you being aware that you are unconsciously living a story that has been passed down through the generations for thousands of years.
You have the power to unravel this story and remember the truth of who you are!
“as a wayshower, a midwife of the awaking Soul, I shine the light on the soul truth of who they are and guide them to live aligned with their truth.”
Story Circles
I hear many women say they desire to be sovereign (to make choices aligned with their truth versus from survival). This requires unraveling the patriarchal story of ‘not enough’ that runs as an unconscious reel in women’s lives, remembering the truth of who they are and living that truth. Being aware of how this story is keeping you stuck in separation when you are craving connection is the first step in the unraveling process.
A Story Circle is a complimentary one and one half hour engaging and inspiring conversation focused on remembering the truth of who you are.
I invite you to book a Story Circle for your circle of women, whether it be family, friends, clients, or colleagues.
A Client Reflection
Katharina showed up in my life at a time I desired a significant change in the way I was living. I knew I was ready. Ready for a change, ready for different. I was ready to journey deep within myself to a place I knew existed, but had never been before.
Katharina answered that call when her message clicked with me instantly. I am grateful I followed that nudge of curiosity and knowing that I should take this next step for myself.
With Katharina's unwavering support and eloquent guidance through the inner reflection process, I attained a level of awareness I hadn't experienced before. As she held the light for me, I passed through thresholds of my own consciousness and a new path unfolded before me.
Today, I am living a version of myself that I previously did not know how to nurture. Katharina’s incredible ability to hold space and journey with souls, has allowed me to take a breath and acknowledge the radiance that already exists inside of me. As I worked through the process of releasing attachment to my stories, layer by layer, I felt a lightness, a deepening, a knowing and a love for myself expand inside of me each time we met.
Workshops, book shares, witnessing ceremonies, intensive individual sessions, women’s circles, each of these experiences with Katharina helped me explore my inner self more deeply.
This journey with Katharina has been a gift. A gift that has unfolded in more beautiful ways than I could have imagined. Breathing life into my soul again, igniting the embers of my heart.
From the most loving place ~ my soul ~ my true self, thank you Katharina,
Tiffany Marie